Wednesday, April 04, 2007


J.P. over on Japers' Rink has issued an "all-hands" call for official shindiggidiness . . . read on, and be informed as to the particulars . . .

For the link-challenged among you . . .

JP and KB of Japers' Rink cordially invite you to an
End-o'-the-Season Shindig

When: Saturday, April 7, 2007, 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. (immediately following the Caps/Sabres game)
Where: Clyde's of Gallery Place, Piedmont Room (upstairs - complete with its own bar, flat-screen television that should be showing the NCAA Championship Game, and an indoor balcony overlooking the Gallery Place mezzanine)
Who: Rink readers, Caps fans, Caps bloggers and V.I.P. guests

Show up at 4:00 and just $20 will get you one hour at the open bar and an entry in the raffle for some great autographed Capitals merchandise. Show up at 5:00 and just $5 will get you a raffle ticket. More details to come in the next few hours. Stay tuned.

Look - you know you're going to be drinking anyway. You know you want cool Caps stuff. So basically, you already know you want to be there. Make it happen.

Take a second and let us know if you're coming ( We promise we won't use your email for, well, anything other than a head count. Thanks, and see you Saturday!


  1. Does this mean that *gasp* the Peerless will emerge in public to mingle with the commonfolk?

    I'm stunned.

  2. Very interesting information! Thanks!

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