Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Pay Attention, or This Man Will Find You

Former Capital Kevin Kaminski is hosting a chat this evening, starting at 6:45. Here is the scoop from CSNWashington.com...
"Join former Capital, Kevin "Killer" Kaminski to chat all things Caps and learn about his playing days, on Tuesday October 27th, when the Capitals take on the Flyers. The chat starts at 6:45 pm."
Kaminski, for the uninitiated, was a bundle of snap, crackle, and pop in a not-too-big body. In 132 games with the Caps covering four seasons in the mid-1990's, he racked up 483 penalty minutes. From that picture above, "Killer" looks as if he could still wreak havoc.

If you're not going to be at the game, I'd drop by...

...just in case.

1 comment:

  1. One of my favorite players, and he was so badly treated by Schonefeld (probably misspelled but who cares). I may be thinking of someone else, but I believe it was Kaminski who was made to sit as I recall during a mega overtime playoff game as some sort of stupid punishment, good lord what a stupid coach, that one! The boys succeeded most times in spite of his efforts to break them down in practice. Kaminski was one of our best, toughest, grittiest, most dedicated and dependable players. I'm glad he's here. I'm glad to see Alan May too on CSN. Now if we could just get Berube!
