Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Skilled Labor

"The Pittsburgh Penguins are looking for 250 students to help with an important task and there's only one major requirement: You must know how to flush a toilet."

We don't make this stuff up, folks.


  1. Is that for players or management?

  2. Jokes aside, I think it's a nice way to reward some young people with a sneak peak of the new arena. Obviously they have enough workers/contractors to do this without making a big deal of it, but why not get the interest up and keep the team in the news?

    Anyways, the real reason I wanted to comment was to show you what Mark Madden (The "super-genius" drive time talk radio host in Pittsburgh) claims will be the Pens 2011 Winter Classic jersey. Take it with a huge grain of salt, but given your affinity towards the color, I couldn't help but pass along.

    (Shield your eyes)

    I still think they're going to go blue of some variation.

  3. We just went for the cheap joke there. The simultaneous flush is something I think they do at all new arenas just to make sure the water lines work.

    As for the uniform, I had a sneaking hunch they might go with that. Of course, now I will have recurring nightmares of Madden modeling the thing.

    Pens and yellow jerseys, Caps with white pants. Heinz Field will qualify for Superfund money as an abandoned toxic waste site after that...

  4. I'm sure they do this at all the places. The Penguins rep who toured bloggers around the place said they'd have a test like this, if only to ensure all will be well come first intermission of the first hockey game. (I'll let you figure out which Pens blog had a bunch of follow-ups regarding the bathroom. Hint rhymes with He Hens Hog)

    That would be sweet if the Caps use the pants. My worry is this yellow mess will be the new 3rd jersey that the team likes to wear 10 times a year. I suppose I could handle it once, not sure I'd like it more than that.

  5. Well, after that odd yellow third that the Baby Pens wore a couple of years ago (that I kept thinking was a Providence Bruins jersey with the big "P" on it...come to think of it, it looked like "P"), it might be the way to go.
