Monday, December 31, 2007

Spec from Ek on Ovechk...

We're surprised it took Eklund this long. Under the breathless headline, "Ovechkin Situation 'VERY TENSE' (emphasis his),"he writes...

"The Ovechkin deal that many felt was going to be signed in mid-January is looking very much in doubt according to several sources tonight."
And? what? Wait..let's let that one sit for a moment. Here is the money quote that makes Eklund hockey's version of comic relief...

"When getting rumours involving Russians go to the Russians..."
Really? You mean, like the Russians (the ones at Sports-Express) that leaked in late November that Ovechkin's signing of a $10.3 million-per-year deal was to be comsummated in the next few days?

Despite noting "several sources," Eklund notes only one, and not a published report at that; rather, an e-mail. But it was a "top" source...

...uh-huh. Eklund...and Russian sources. Where facts are accidents.

The credibility of the report aside, what makes January important? The Caps have six months to complete a deal. At the moment, to the extent they are "negotiating" with the player the Caps would be bidding against themselves. One hopes that the sides can come to an agreement soon, if only to end these silly (if entertaining, in their own perverse way) speculations, but it isn't as if Ovechkin is spending off days scoping real estate in Toronto or Detroit or Montreal.

The deal will happen when it happens.

Thanks to ThomasP518 on The Official for the heads-up.


  1. Ov is the most exciting player in hockey! How could they NOT continue this talk! They're drooling all over themselves wanting him! I have faith he'll stay in DC despite all these little tid-bits of "information" that keep leaking out! Until Ov says it...I don't believe it! It IS getting old tho!

  2. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Hmm. I had just made the decision to stop wasting time on the Caps Boards with all the bashing, whining, complaining, self-righteousness and bickering, and just read the papers and my favorite bloggers. So at my usual first blog stop, the Peerless, two of the top stories are bashing other bloggers.

    Might be a sign for me to join a league.

  3. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Eklund's not a blogger. He's a dude who makes money off of made up rumors.
