Thursday, June 21, 2012


"[Washington Capitals season ticket] renewals at 96 to 97 percent; sold out of season tickets with a waiting list of about 3,000."
-- Sports Business Journal/The Sporting News (source: NHL club officials); June 18, 2012

"We would like to extend to you, a valued full season-ticket holder, the opportunity to purchase additional seats for the 2012-13 season."*
--The Washington Capitals, "Planholder Info;" June 20, 2012

Is this "NHL math?"

* There is a maximum purchase of four (4) additional seats per account.


  1. Anonymous7:16 AM

    NHL math indeed... NHL math is why Florida won the Southeast Division this past season with a losing record.

  2. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Season Ticket Holders get first dibs on open seats, and then folks with other sorts of established plans, before people on the waitlist get a shot at them. It's probably noted in the season ticket agreement somewhere?

  3. The Caps "fuzzy math" also extends to the phony sell out streak!!
