Well, fellow fans of the black, blue, and bronze . . . we’re less than two months to opening night, and Caps fans are in a panic.
We haven’t signed Bondra!
Folks aren’t this attached to the family pet.
But hey, why stop there? We could have a whole theme park amount of nostalgia . . .
Bring back Bobby Gould! . . . if only to take another swipe at that geeky owner in
Bring back Jim Carey! . . . just don’t let him play against
Bring back Dennis Maruk! . . . hey, since the NHL is emphasizing offense, why not the only 60-goal scorer in Caps history?
Bring back Rod Langway! . . . can’t . . . gotta wear a helmet (or is he still grandfathered in?)
Bring back Richard Zednik! . . . sadly, there are many who would.
Bring back Trevor Linden! . . . he can’t be as bad as he was in his short stint here.
Bring back Michel Belhumeur! . . . please, just get the guy one win.
Bring back Bengt Gustafsson! . . . ok, that’s mine.
Bring back the
Bring back Winger! . . . uh, don’t.
Bring back Craig Laughlin! . . . anything to get him out of the booth.
Bring back Mike Fornes! . . . “a shot, and a goal!”
Bring back the white pants! . . . boxers or briefs?
Right now, I’m just happy they’re bringing back hockey.
-- The Peerless